Funded by a successful Sport England Active Universities bid, INTO Lacrosse is England Lacrosse’s branded programme to introduce lacrosse to new university participants. It has a modern image with social media such as Facebook and YouTube being utilised as the main means of communication with students in promoting activities. Students are invited to taster sessions and interactive challenges to provide an inclusive and accessible experience initially. Keen participants then continue to receive regular tuition from our professional coaching team until they are ready to be signposted “into” the lacrosse opportunity that best suits the individual. This can range from pursuing the traditional offer of men’s and women’s lacrosse teams or taking up the intramural activity that is available or being developed at the institution.

From November 2011, England Lacrosse’s five INTO Officers have attended 32 university fresher’s fairs and provided taster sessions to over 2000 new participants in the first 8 weeks of delivery. The INTO Officers are now providing weekly coaching support to each university and are now planning the next set of interactive challenges for the next term.

There are many critical success factors for delivering the INTO Lacrosse programme. Each is vitally important in its own way and include

  • Understanding what the student needs are to create an appropriate delivery and marketing programme
  • Strong partnership with senior university sport staff and athletic unions
  • Identification of specific support with each partner university lacrosse club
  • Support of Sport England and BUCS with strategic planning and communication


In 2018 England Lacrosse have rebranded the INTO student programme, using University Lacrosse Officers (ULO) to deliver the student Lacrosse Offer.

26 Universities have signed up to promote Lacrosse via the ULO, with  branding and training for the volunteer students

England Lacrosse has partnered with RPC and STX to deliver this innovative programme

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