Bath 2nds v Oxford Owls – CANCELLED
Date: 20 October 2018
Venue: Odd Down
Unfortunately, Oxford Owls couldn’t make the trip to Bath for this D2 Cotswold game.
So, with everything set up and paid for (team, pitch, food, referees) it seemed a shame to waste the day.
A squad of 16 was boosted by some 1st team players that had arrived for their game early. This meant that there were enough players to run a scrimmage, important for the new players, the more time on the field in officiated games the better.
There was a bit of position changes going on, Alex Foster-Powell in goal looked the part, and Josh Yeoman proved he can operate with a short stick.
The game was competitive and good humoured, with the established players more than willing to help with advice and coaching whilst playing. There is real potential in this second team, and the natural migration by players towards certain roles is beginning to show.
Final score of the scrimmage was 5:1 to Reds, not that anyone was counting.
Tom Hamey (Panel)
Emily Storey (Panel)